Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

Fine bubble air diffuser, Disc and Tubular

South Asia and China:

  • Formasa Petrochemical, Taiwan Petrochemical, Tungtex, total approx. 12 plants
  • Taichung, Shingchu and Tainan industrial parks wastewater treatment
  • President, Pepsi Cola..approx. 38 food processing plants
  • TaiChing.., total plants for tannery wastewater
  • Chunglong, Chungshing.., total 5 plants of pulp/paper wastewater
  • Formasa, Shinglow.., total 12 plants of bigger hospital wastewater
  • Shingkuanh, Far‐East.., total 8 plants of textile wastewater
  • Total 8 plants in China for BOT municipal wastewater plant

Approx. 300 projects, total approx. 160,000 diffusers installed(until 2014)


Other area:

  • South Africa, Iran, Dubai, Spain, USA, Canada, Mxico, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japa, Korea, Costa Rica…etc.

Total approx. 28 projects, approx. 56,000 diffusers installed(UNTIL 2014)